August 18, 2023

We are pleased to announce our first conference as ICMEMOHRI will take place in Spain October 1-6, Cultural Policies on Memory for a Democratic Europe: the Role of Memorial and Human Rights Museums in Promoting Truth, Justice, and Reparations for an Equitable Future. We begin with a pre-conference meeting in Barcelona and Portbou and then travel to Madrid where we will be special guests at the conference organized by the Ministry of the Presidency, Court Relations, and Democratic Memory. We will also have the opportunity to hear from our colleagues during an ICMEMOHRI session of presentations.
We have done our utmost to avoid any fees to register and the conference in Madrid 4-6 October is free, but for those joining us in Barcelona, there are transportation costs from Barcelona to Portbou and then on to Madrid which are covered by that registration fee.
Registration is available below:
Pre-conference, Barcelona/Portbou 2-3 October 2023
ICMEMOHRI Madrid Conference 4-6 October 2023
But that is not all, please take a moment to review the preliminary program and note that we will also have an Expert Meeting November 1-3 in Amsterdam with colleagues from the Ukraine and other areas of the world where museums have responded to conflict, war, and political unrest. Details are still being developed and a full announcement will be made soon.
🇬🇧 Click here to check the ICMEMOHRI Conference Program
🇪🇸 Pincha aquí para leer el programa de la conferencia de ICMEMOHRI en Castellano.