2018 Tel Aviv & Jerusalem, Israel
Tel Aviv & Jerusalem, Israel, October 14-18, 2018
Topics, call for papers and submission guidelines
(deadline: July 30, 2018)
IC MEMO is one of ICOM’s 31 International Committees. The aims of IC MEMO are to foster a responsible memory of history and to further cultural cooperation through education and through using knowledge in the interests of peace, which is also a key goal of UNESCO.
The 2018 IC MEMO conference theme is “Memory, Art and Identity”. In this conference we will examine: the influence of memorial museums on shaping personal and collective memory; the intergenerational transmission of memory – how artist reflect different zeitgeists and express them visually. Therefore you are invited to present your lecture guided by the following topics and questions:
List of Topics
- Topic 1: “Memory, Art, and Identity” Special Conference Theme
- Taking into account the relevance of remembering the past and what influence memorialization can have on the way a society moves forward from trauma and loss, we wonder:
WHAT is the role of the artistic language on memorialization, democratization, and justice?
How does your institution incorporate art to help shape collective memory of the past? Could you elaborate examples of how your museum /memorial leverage art, art production, and art collections to assist in healing our society from public crimes?
Can art HELP transform tacit knowledge of a public crime (hidden knowledge known only to an individual) to explicit knowledge (knowledge that is articulated and becomes embedded in the fabric of cultural memory)? In particular, how can art and artists revolutionize the way in which personal stories become a part of public histories?
- Topic 2: Memory Building through global Justice Departments & Courts
Conference Keywords:
Memory, museums, remembrance, Holocaust, history, cultural memory, audiences, multiple perspectives, memory studies, visitors, individual and collective memory, Jewish history, commemoration, memory institution, cultural heritage, community, art, global courts & justice systems
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Extended “Pecha Kucha” Presentations Submission Format:
- Abstract: 250 words maximum
- Short Description: 75 words maximum
- Key Words: choose 5 key words from the list
- Presentation Slides: PPT or Google Slides; 25 Count
- Presentation Time Limit: 15 minutes = Approximately 1,500 words (If reading your presentation)
- Languages: English.
- Additional Requirement: We ask that all accepted presenters join ICOM & IC MEMO. Please note that IC MEMO membership is free but you will need to join ICOM.
Extended Pecha Kucha Committee on Topic 1 “Memory, Art, and Identity”
- Laura-Edythe Coleman, Johns Hopkins University, USA
- Carla Prat Perxachs, Museo Memoria y Tolerancia, Mexico City
Extended Pecha Kucha Committee on Topic 2
- Kornelis Spaans, Ambassador (retired), Netherlands
- Erik Somers, Researcher, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Netherlands
IC MEMO 2018 proceedings will be published, more information to follow.
The conference will be held in Tel Aviv & Jerusalem, Israel.
For the registration please follow the link.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Laura-Edythe Coleman lcolem24@jhu.edu Subject Line: ICMEMO2018. Please note that no submissions may be received via email – only the EasyChair online submission system is available to accept papers. Please note also that you have to create an account at EasyChair to be able to upload your proposal submission. Should you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Coleman via email for technical assistance.
Submission deadline: July 30, 2018
Author Notifications will be sent out not later than August 15, 2018
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