October 3, 2018
Art Focus on Human Rights and Women’s Rights: Nigeria (2018-2021) Projects

The project aims to raise consciousness about a range of issues affecting Nigeria today, and how they inevitably affect the rest of the world. We aim to target that sweet spot on the Venn diagram: issues of vital local and global importance, which are nevertheless routinely underemphasized and ignored by the fast-paced world of social media and the 24-hour news cycle. Through the means of carefully-curated art exhibits and a surrounding series of conferences, this project will allow us to collectively take a step back and confront these issues of vital importance which are all too often made invisible by the pace of our daily lives, from a fresh new angle which will set out the problems before us clearly, and at the same time, offer a ray of hope.
Nigerian society is dealing with a range of challenging issues which we wish to bring into the light. These include:
- Child abuse, particularly of girls
- Child labour
- Sex slavery
- Early and forced marriage
Our aim is to involve contemporary artists with a strong original vision and a passion for the world around them to interpret these issues through the prism of their art. These individual visions will come together into a powerful and meaningful exhibit, which will first be shown in key Nigerian museums, before touring internationally. The core exhibit will be built around five artists from each of the world’s five major continents. At each stop, local artists and curators will be invited to add their own insights and ideas to this core, creating a unique touring experience with a strong local footing and flavor, but orientated out towards the wider world.
Please download a brief presentation and detailed information about the ptoject.