October 2, 2018
Guernika Peace Museum celebrates its 20th Anniversary
Guernika Peace Museum celebrates its 20th Anniversary!
Program and activities:
* The present of the past: introductory course to memory studies. April 6 and 7 at the Gernika Peace Museum.
* Historical recreation “Gernika at that spring time”: Recreation of the life of Gernika on April 8, 1937. Plaza de los Fueros, all day on April 8, 2018
* Memoritour: Free guided excursions to know the places and monuments in memory of the victims of the Civil War. (May 13, June 3 and September 16)
* Art, memory and public space “Seminar on June 1 and 2, 2018 at the Gernika Peace Museum. With the presence among others of Johan Gerz, Hoheisel, Jesus Alonso, Maria Chiara Bianchini, Dominique Trouche …
* Latest books published by the Museum of Peace of Gernika Memories of stone and steel, The bombings in Euskadi; Memories of war, peace projects