The International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums

All news

October 2, 2018

Guernika Peace Museum celebrates its 20th Anniversary

Guernika Peace Museum celebrates its 20th Anniversary!


Program and activities:



* The present of the past: introductory course to memory studies. April 6 and 7 at the Gernika Peace Museum.


* Historical recreation “Gernika at that spring time”: Recreation of the life of Gernika on April 8, 1937. Plaza de los Fueros, all day on April 8, 2018


* Memoritour: Free guided excursions to know the places and monuments in memory of the victims of the Civil War. (May 13, June 3 and September 16)


* Art, memory and public space “Seminar on June 1 and 2, 2018 at the Gernika Peace Museum. With the presence among others of Johan Gerz, Hoheisel, Jesus Alonso, Maria Chiara Bianchini, Dominique Trouche …


* Latest books published by the Museum of Peace of Gernika Memories of stone and steelThe bombings in EuskadiMemories of war, peace projects
